Life, ROK Addictions & The Seelie

Admittedly, I haven’t done a blog post or a simple paragraph of writing it what seems like forever. I have many things to blame for this, but mostly it’s just me, having my head stuck up my ass and not putting aside any time to just drum out anything.

That and I was seriously addicted to ROK, – not just as in a casual player way-no, entirely as in, seriously addicted, – playing it for all hours of the day.

As you can see though, I have managed to ween myself off it and am happy to say I am now a recovered ROK addict and have been without it for a period of 6 months. I do occasionally want to upload it again … but thus far I have not gone there … so if you are like me, all I can say is – stay strong people. Just Don’t Do it.

I also have to bless my husband for sticking with me through all my wild addictions and grounding me to this world whenever I seem to go off par. Because my-oh-my, do I push boundaries.

Anyway, moving on from this written admission – you must be wondering what I have been up to since.

The one thing I have done, which is worth the mention – is that I started reading again, and yes, I just haven’t been able to stop.

Addiction replacement? Maybe.

I am however blaming my newly discovered love for reading solely on Monique Snyman, who introduced me to dark fiction and the Fey in The Night Weaver. As much as I loved Vampires, I now have a new found affection in all things seelie. Whilst I haven’t been entirely oblivious of them, thanks to Cassandra Clare and Sookie’s endeavors, I was never overly fond of them until, I read The Night Weaver.

Naturally, ( because authors also have a life) there was a gap after I read the Night Weaver which made me venture into other authors. Yes Monique, This is your fault.

ButHoly hell, people!!!

What an Adventure. With added yearning … ( Thanks to all you authors who haven’t finished those series -you know who you are.)

In triumph of my replaced addiction, ( and my ever replaced cravings) I will endeavor to give all of you some reviews on these latest reads. So brace yourselves for posts in which we will uncover the fabulousness of Holly Black, Nora Roberts, Sarah J Maas and Karen Marie Moning.

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