I Have Something To Tell You – Susan Lewis

I have something to tell you, is classified as a suspense thriller that covers the life of Jessica Wells, who in the beginning seems to have it all. As is with most “picture perfect” relationships the reality is that it’s a life built on mistrust, betrayal, and deception.

Enter Edward Blake, who is too good to be true from the word go – but the writer makes you question your theory continuously throughout the book.

What I enjoyed –

There is undoubtedly some great writing throughout this book. Colourful characters, great scenery, good character build ups.

Emotion – the book itself really digs into the conflicts people have once betrayed and how people react differently to it.

What I disliked –

Domestic Drama – The story started taking a wrong turn for me once her husband explained he had something to tell her, and she kept running away and avoiding having the much-required conversation. (Now, I understand there are many people out there who condone such behaviour, but I am very much a rip off the bandage – you only have one life to live – type-of-person and can never understand how people can drag unspoken things out for years.) So, her reaction just irritated me continuously.

In the end though, the story comes full circle as the people that hurt her are the ones that end up once again supporting her. So, for me, this book whilst starting off with great momentum unfortunately, fell flat once Edward Blake was let out of prison. I gave this book 3 stars on Goodreads as I honestly didn’t feel like it was a Crime Thriller.

Off Point: Sometimes I think we are super spoiled when it comes to books in current times. There are so many stories, good and bad and we keep reaching out hoping that every book we touch surpasses the last. As writers when we don’t feel fulfilled with a story, we try plot our own feeling, that our story is ultimately — the story, and then we get swallowed up in edits and opinions and some prevail, and some don’t. I’m in awe of those that prevail of course and therefore every writer out there in my book deserves recommendation. (Okay, 😊 – some way more than others)

As readers we either go back to those feel-good books we enjoyed so much, or we enter a phase where nothing seems to please us until we build up courage to try another.

So once again I venture on.

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