Review – Sarah J Maas – Court Series

I was fortunate enough to find this series on the back end, so I didn’t have to wait for the follow ups and managed to read all of them within a span of two weeks. It was one of those series that left me entirely disconnected from the world upon completion. So, I gave them all 4,5 stars on Goodreads.

Page Turners of note. Adventurous, gripping, dramatic, romantic.

Things I liked –

  • I enjoyed the dramatic flow of the first book which covers Feyre’s life before and during going to Prythian. The writing is raw and real. Many people would be able to relate having to give much of oneself for family or survival or both. In the end, it becomes sacrificial which made me happy because the main character truly gave it her all.
  • Overall, (Spoiler) I enjoyed the fact that the romantic plot didn’t entirely play out the way we would expect it to, even though I really feel sorry for Tamlin. (I secretly hope that Sarah will play nice and give him a novel disserving of redemption, because seriously everyone deserves to be happy, right?)
  • The first novel left us hanging with war looming and the cliff-hanger of how everyone will cope with the aftereffects of Feyre’s actions under the mountain. This is what stories are made of.
  • Novel Two pushed the envelope even higher. Romantic conflict, a fight for self, historical disclosure, the crafting of a picturesque world – masterfully plotted.
  • Novel Three, although reviews were chucked out in buckets on this one it’s a solid cementation of our main character. Battles a plenty. LOTR stuff!!

I hope they take this to screen, with good castings, because it would be an absolute adventure. (Provided they don’t screw it up like Mortal Instruments) have you seen the Fanmade trailers on YouTube, they are mind-blowing !!

In fact, in addition, I wish they would stop remaking old stuff and just focus on new things for once. Because seriously we are spoiled for choice when it comes to options and it’s about time that we get to see some good Fay stuff on television.

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